How to get paid a ridiculous amount

3 words.
Become ridiculously valuable.
The amount you get paid per hour or per week or per month is NOT a reflection of the time you spend…but of the value you provide within that time.
And the amount you get paid is seen as a great bargain by the person paying you.
So when Henry Ford more than doubled the daily rate to $5 a day in 1913…it’s because the system he created turned a $5 investment in wages into a $30 return in value.
In other words, he was handing out one $5 bill and being given back six $5 bills in return.
Similarly, the $20/hour you get is because your perceived value is probably $120 for each hour you spend working.
So if you want to be paid significantly more than you are right now, you need to become significantly more valuable than you are right now.
Become more valuable…get paid much more.
Here are 2 simple ways to get started.
#1 Change your context
Maybe you’re doing the right thing in the wrong location.
Teach guitar classes at the local high school?
What if you taught the same class at the local nursing home? Or to busy executives.
Or what if you took what you’re already doing online? Platforms like Udemy, Skillshare and others make it extremely easy to make a living sharing what you know.
And that’s just if you’re looking to leverage the power of teaching what you know…an opportunity available to all of us.
#2 Change your content
This might mean simply switching from what you want to offer to providing what the marketplace wants to pay you for.
That’s how Nine Inch Nails got started.
They knew they wanted to make a living playing music that others wanted to pay for…but they weren’t completely precious about what that music needed to be.
So they released several different types of music, and the one that the market place resonated with became their music.
You can replicate the same model by figuring out what your core desire is…and then testing out different ways of providing this to the marketplace. When you find one that resonates, then run with it.
Another way of changing your content is to simply go to the edges of what you already know.
Don’t just be specific… be super-specific.
Obsess over one tiny corner of your area of expertise and deliver information, products and services that cater to just that one area.
Sound ridiculous? It will to those who watch you laugh your way up the value chain.
Success is something you attract by the person you become. — Jim Rohn
The key to being paid more is becoming more valuable.
You create value out of who you really are. And as you invest more in becoming more, you will be paid more.
More money, more attention, more consideration, more help, more friendliness…at work, in your marriage, with your kids, in your fitness, in your finance, and every area of your life.
So…want to get paid a ridiculous amount in every area of your life?
Become ridiculously valuable.

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