A silly idea that might simplify everything

Tension, drama, overwhelm, stress, anxiety, fear of failure, weariness from trial-and-error over a long time. Tactics, strategies and formulae.

We’ll dig into all of that in a few moments. But here’s a silly idea that might simplify everything and transform your life faster than you can imagine.

Here it is.

Stop looking around for solutions, and just focus on these 5 words.

It’s time to leave Medicine.

Don’t worry about how. Just sit with that as your focus, as your North star.

Allow yourself to rest in that thought, to feel it in your body.

And then, answer thus question:

What do I think I should I do now?

Write down everything that comes to mind.

Look at what you’ve written, take action on it and then see what happens.

Maybe nothing. But maybe you’ll discover within yourself the one action step that will change everything. 

Trust yourself and take action on the insights you carry within yourself.

It feels silly but it’s less silly than spending the next 30 years looking for an answer that you already have.

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