Rosa Parks gets off the bus

Back in 1958, Rosa Parks sparked a revolution in the Civil Rights movement  by refusing to give up her seat on the bus.

Once upon a time, your parents, uncles, relatives, friends, heroes also sparked a revolution by scrapping and sacrificing to get on a bus called Medicine, and refusing to give up their seats.

But decades later, when the bus is a broken healthcare system that entraps Doctors with debt during medical training to limit their options and scare them into staying on the bus…in this reality, revolution looks like Rosa Parks (and you) daring to get off the bus.

Daring to stop pouring your youth and enthusiasm into a bucket with a hole in it.

Daring to stop treating yourself with less dignity and respect than what you show to your patients.

Daring to value yourself enough to walk away from the mental and physical abuse…and financial and emotional coercion…that you continually make excuses for each day.

Daring to be brave enough to opt-out of having your life held hostage by the endless needs of millions of patients around the world.

Daring to wean yourself off the insidious addiction of pleasing people who don’t value you enough to help you be who you were meant to be, instead of what they need you to be.

Daring to put your own oxygen mask on first.

Daring to trust yourself, to bet on yourself and claim back the freedom you exchanged for the safety of being a nameless cog in a broken-down machine.

Daring to live a life that amounts to more than simply staying on a bus that you never should have gotten on in the first place.

Whether or not the revolution is televised, this time around, it involves you having the courage to get off the bus.

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