Are you positive or not?

When it comes to HIV, Hep B, Hep C etc,  hopefully the answer is negative. 

But when it comes to your cash flow, I hope the answer is positive. 

Are your assets paying for your liabilities? Do you know the difference between the two? If you stopped working today, could you maintain your current standard of living for at least 6 months?

These are questions you need to be able to answer by being cash flow positive. 

Unfortunately, most Medics have bought into the Debt-Funded scam.

They go into debt to fund their medical studies so that they can get a well-paying job that pays back the debt and earns them a good living whilst letting them make a difference in the world. 

The problem is that “the borrower is servant to the lender”. And the position of being Debt-funded compromises your ability to make clear, unbiased decisions from a position of power and leverage. 

So when the health care system decides not to pay you…that affects you.

And when  the system you’re working in is clearly broken, you don’t challenge it, because you need to get through it to pay off the loans that are funding your studies.

Now whether or not this is an intentional Conspiracy-type ploy to control the Medics is not the issue. 

The issue is that Debt-funded, negative Cash flow Medics are easier to control than their positive Cash flow counterparts.

So as inconsequential as it might seem, check your Cash flow and spend 10 minutes checking your financial literacy. 

Here’s a good place to start.

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