3 pages that could save your life

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

When you get up in the morning, grab your notebook, and fill it with 3 pages of writing.

These are your Morning Pages, a simple idea that was shared by Julia Cameron.

And the habit of doing Morning Pages will save your life…if you’ll let them.

That’s because Morning Pages are an opportunity for you to clear away all the emotional and mental rubble that’s cluttering your soul, and find your way to the clear springs of water that lie underneath it all.

Morning Pages are a chance for you to dare to express how you really feel and what you really think, when nobody around gives you the space or the grace to do so.

Morning Pages are for your eyes only. They’re not to be shared, critiqued or corrected.

You can write them out by hand in a physical book that you can keep or burn when you’ve filled it.

You can even write them in a password protected folder in Google Docs, Evernote or any other writing app on your phone…if you’re feeling afraid of what will happen if anyone you know comes across them.

You can write them, where all you’re doing is writing 3 pages of “I don’t know what to write, I don’t know what to write, I don’t know…”

How you do it isn’t the point. That you do it…is everything.

Because the simple act of finding the courage to express how you really feel will spill over positively into every area of your life.

Also, the act of writing Morning Pages will help you gain clarity on what you really think and how you really feel.

Sometimes the best way to figure out both of these things is to sit down and just start writing.

Morning Pages are your new secret weapon in your Journey to living a life of joy and fulfilment.

UPDATE: a brilliant free resource that I’ve been testing since last month for doing morning pages is 750words.com Highly recommended.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

10 Minutes A Day

If you struggle to find time to do the things you want to do, try embracing the idea of 10 minutes a day.

10 minutes a day.

70 minutes a week, 300 minutes a month, 3650 minutes a year (60 hours and 50 minutes a year).

What could you do with a 60 hour block of time over the next year?

What is the MOST valuable asset you could build with a solid chunk of 60 hours?

Could you spend 60 hours building something in 2017 that freed up 600 or 6,000 hours in 2018?

Of course you can.

The challenge is to pick ONE thing that you can build over the next year…in sessions of just 10 minutes a day.