Don’t just quit (part 1 of 3): Build yourself a runway

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

Don’t just quit or drop out of Medical school…until you have built yourself a runway to launch yourself into the next level of your life.

This is extremely important, and something I cover in detail in some of the Escape Velocity modules.

That’s because as important as it is to go after your dreams, it’s even more important to be aware of all the deadly obstacles you’ll need to navigate.

Things like parents, cultural expectations, debts, student loans, network pressures, peer pressures, lack of connections, lack of directions, bad habits, addictions, etc

All of these forces have the potential (and incentives) to destroy your dreams before they even have a chance to get off the ground.

But they’ll never get off the ground if you don’t build a runway, a structure, that allows you to build up enough momentum and velocity to escape the gravitational pull of all those obstacles.

Knowing you need a runway might be enough to help you figure out what that means.

If you need more, check out the Escape Velocity modules.

Key message: If you really want to give your Dreams a fighting chance of surviving (and thriving)…take a bit of time to build them a runway.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

Don’t die before you fly

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

If you’re thinking about ending it all anyway, why not go out with a bang?

Not the “bang” of a well-written note and a dramatically executed suicide.

That’s been done.

But the BANG of doing something outrageous, scandalous and outlandish in your skin…making everyone you know gasp in amazement.

Start a band and go homeless.

Launch a business and go bankrupt.

Write that novel and flunk all your exams.

Build a controversial following on Snapchat and be disowned and kicked out by your parents.

What will that feel like, how will you survive, what will you do next?

Those are questions you get to answer by deciding to stick around and go out with a bang.

Refuse to die before you fly.

Refuse to take yourself out of the game, just because of how awkward you think you’re making other people feel.

Insist on the right to live your life to the full, even if you screw-up along the way.

Demand that the world sees who you are — warts, smells and all — and make them try to take you out because of how blindingly brilliant your light is to their eyes.

(The way they took out JFK, MLK, Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, and many others).

There are tactics and strategies you can use to do this (as you’ll see in a moment).

But if you’re thinking of ending it all anyway…forget about the strategies and tactics…and skip straight to where you live such a bold, outrageously generous and daring life, that you get folk plotting on how to take you out.

Don’t die before you fly.

Refuse to die with your wings stuck inside you.

Unfold them and see where they take you.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

6 months to live

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

If you were suddenly given 6 months to live…what would you do?

Write the answer down right now.

Next question: why aren’t you doing that now?

Again: write the answer down now in the comments/email/Facebook/somewhere public.

The 2 minutes it takes you to do this will save your life.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

Are you willing to head upstream?

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

A few months before getting kicked out of medical school in 2003, I attended a dull lecture that transformed my life and ended any aspirations for a career in medicine.

It was a sociology lecture. And right in the middle of lulling a lecture hall of about 200 medical students to sleep, my Sociology Prof suddenly grabbed me out of my seat with an analogy about a river.

“What it comes down to is a choice. You can choose to be the noble doctor who spends the next sixty years fishing the same drowning patients out of the same old river, day in, day out. Or, you can choose to be the one who leaves the river bank and heads upstream to stop whoever is pushing your patients into the river in the first place.”


Here was the answer to the growing discontent I’d been feeling over the first few years of medical study. I’d signed up with the desire to change the world but was being trained in the ‘best practices of managing illness and disease’. But now, with my Sociology Professor’s brilliant analogy, I knew what my next move had to be: I was going to head upstream, whatever that looked like.

So when I was thrown out of medical school a few months later, with no qualifications, the weight of having let my family and friends down, and a tonne of student debt, I got a job at a local doctor’s practice.

Officially I was there to read through 7,350 patient records and summarise them onto a computer so that the Practice could claim money from the Government. And for a while I simply did my job, innovating every chance I got, including finding a loophole in the Government contract within my first few weeks that let the Practice claim a few thousand pounds of money overnight.

And as long as I was pushing the boundaries within doing my job, things went well.

But the moments I attempted to head “upstream”, the responses ranged from apathy, to slight concern to angry emails from doctors and a phone-call from a ruffled local member of government.

I found the same in the worlds of freelancing, church, hustling products for a Hollywood makeup artist, talking to people down at the unemployment office during the years of taking care of a wife and three kids on benefits…

Do your job/stay in line = fine.

Try to change the world/Head upstream = frustration of trying to empty an ocean with a tea cup.

In other words, they — critics, neighbours, family, friends, nemeses — were right.

You can’t change the world, because the world doesn’t want to be changed.

Which is when I had an epiphany.

Even though most of my efforts to ‘change the world’ had been shot down in flames,there was one thing that actually consistently was a resounding success.

The Conversations and Salvador Dali

Every time I’d found myself having a Conversation with someone about what they really cared about, what they were working on, what they felt their God-given reason for being alive was…I’d been able to encourage them, goad them, and in a small way push them to keep doing what they already knew they needed to do…despite what they said.

The Conversations. Intimate one on one interactions. Encouraging those who were already “heading upstream” to build something important…without a marked out path or readily available resources for doing it.

The Conversations. Exchanging ideas and perspectives. Celebrating the tiny milestones that they simply branded as “pointless wastes of time”.

The Conversations. Earning the right to be invited into Conversations with those who were already fumbling to figure out how to make bricks without straw for the dreams they were building into reality.

That’s what I was supposed to do. That’s where I could do my Work of encouraging those who were building the future.

So I entered the world of marketing as a way of being invited into the Conversations going on in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

So I became a Bass player to help find the groove of the Conversations going on in various jam sessions.

So I became a husband and father to be able to have an influence on the Conversations of my kids and grandkids (inspiring others to do the same).

So I launched a project called Paperback Junkie (#FAIL) as a way of having Conversations around the books that had shaped my thinking and given me the raw material for building my dreams.

So I started a blog called Save Dali (#FAIL) that has no comments, no Salvador Dali, and a simple desire to spark a Conversation with someone who’s already doing the Work of making bricks without straw.

And so I decided to start a medical school called Bizarro to help find the others who are also trying to figure out how to head upstream.

You’re still reading, so I guess that means I’ve found you.

Email me. Let’s talk. And above all, keep doing what you’re doing…we need you to.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

Don’t listen to Gary Vee

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

Don’t listen to Gary Vaynerchuk.

Don’t watch his YouTube show: #ASKGaryVee.

Don’t type “Gary Vaynerchuk” into Google and click “I feel lucky”.

Don’t ignore his “highly offensive language” and “wanton use of the F bomb”.

Don’t be impressed by his insane work ethic, fascinating immigrant origin story, and 100% no b*s approach to engagement.

Don’t take action on his calls to: hustle, crush it, jabjabjabrighthook (JJJRH), be grateful, be self-aware, build legacy, say thank you or know who you are (instead of who you want to be).

And definitely don’t download the unabridged audio book of “Crush It!”.

Don’t listen to Gary Vee.

You have been warned.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

If it isn’t embarrassing…

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

then you’re doing it wrong.

You were seduced and sedated in school to seek out the safe, respectable, quiet, dull and boring stuff that wouldn’t get you into trouble…wouldn’t invite anyone to make fun of you.

Now, the only work worth doing…that won’t be computerised/mechanised/outsourced to an automated drone…

…is the work that feels embarrassing, and actively empowers others to make fun of you.

If it isn’t embarrassing, then you shouldn’t feel relieved…you should be terrified.

That’s a huge part of the reason that I decided to start a medical school called Bizarro…whilst being a medical student who’s already been kicked out of med school.

What are the embarrassing things that you’ve kept putting off until “later”?

Those are the things you need to start working on right now.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.