But you’ve only got 1 year left

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

Just one more.

Those 3 words are the engine that powers every industry that’s built around addiction.

Slot machines in Las Vegas, Big Tobacco, soft porn, food porn, alcohol, drugs, social media, the job industry…

The goal isn’t to sell you on becoming an addict. Nobody would take that deal.

Instead, it’s to sell you on buying “just one more” ticket…”just one more” drink/cigarette/video/minute checking out your friends updates on Facebook.

Just one more.

And once you’ve bought enough “just one mores”…you end up with a habit where you stop counting the number of times…because it’s now part of your identity.

When you hear “but you’ve only got 1 year left”, the implication is that once you complete the year…that’s it. Game over. You’ve completed the course and you’re free to do whatever you want.

Sadly, that’s not the case.

Just one more year of medical school…followed by just one more year till you finish your residency…followed by just one more year to get your postgraduate…followed by just one more year till you save enough money to pay for your new baby…followed by just one more exam to gain a special certification…

Meanwhile, the elastic band of your sanity and emotional equilibrium is being stretched ever more…until one day you suddenly snap.

It’s the line from Hotel California:

You can check out anytime you like/But you can ne-ver leave.

The good news is that you can leave…and there are some really practical steps you can take to make your escape a reality.

But it starts by understanding what’s really going on when you hear the phrase “but you’ve only got 1 year left”.

Because even rubber bands have their breaking point. And when you sense you’ve reached yours…stop, and consider alternative options.

Don’t just quit, because there’s a smart way to do it.

But do understand that in Medicine (&Vegas et al)…there’s no such thing as “just one more”.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.