The best way to escape a nightmare…

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

…is to wake up.

But you can only make yourself wake up by realising that you are asleep, and that what you are experiencing is only a dream.

A dream…one of many possibilities, and not the only experience available to you.

And this dream — this nightmare — is one that you no longer wish to be part of.

Once you realise that this is just a dream, you are able to increase the frequency and intensity of your brain’s vibrations…disrupting the fabric of the nightmare world.

Reading, listening and absorbing alternate inputs that contradict and invalidate the images, emotions and scenarios of the nightmare you’re in right now.

As you keep turning up the dial on your brain frequencies, you raise your level of consciousness, raise your level of self-awareness…you wake up.

The #2 best way to escape a nightmare, is to dream another dream.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

Own where you are

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

Right now you’re caught in a vice between two extremes.

Doing what your parents want…and being true to who you are.

The problem is that who you is currently dependent on your parents for financial support, approval, acceptance and affirmation.

Worse, you love them and don’t want to hurt them.

But at the same time, loving them is killing you, and causing so much pain that even the thought of suicide provides an immediate breath of fresh air…an end to an impossible struggle.

If that’s you, then this section and the Escape Velocity course on Parents is for you.

The good news: there’s a way out that doesn’t involve committing suicide or subscribing to a life of addiction to manage the pain.

The bad news: the way out is messy…like crawling through a sewerage pipe to get to freedom.

And it starts with a particularly stinky word…Honesty.

The fact is, you don’t have the power or resources or mental/emotional fortitude to make the change that you desperately need to make.

You know that and your parents know that.

So rather than fighting this or feeling guilty about this, the first step is to simply acknowledge this.

Accept it and take ownership of this.

“This is where I am right now.”

Once you’re honest about how things actually are, then you can go to work on making them better.

But you need to own where you are, regardless of whose fault it is. This isn’t about condemnation or assigning blame…because none of that empowers you to change your situation.

Instead, you’re going to take back control of the situation by owning where you are, and owning the responsibility to make things better.

It is no longer your parents’ job or anyone else”s responsibility to make you happy or help you fulfill your life’s potential.

It’s your job. Period.

Once you’ve owned this, then we can get to work on making things better.

Ready? Good. Let’s get to work.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

Make them pull the trigger

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

Don’t quit…get them to fire you.

Don’t shoot yourself…get them to sniper you.

Don’t overdose…get them to lock you away.

Don’t slit your wrist…get them to come after you with knives, pitchforks and bayonets.

Don’t take your own life. Instead, give it in the outrageous service of your gifts/perspective to others…and make your haters try and take it from you.

Don’t pull the trigger…provoke them to do it for you by how generously and daringly you go after your dreams.

Don’t make it easy for them to get rid of you or silence who you are.

They don’t deserve it.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

Who will miss you when you’re gone?

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

There’s a difference between success, and significance.

There’s a difference between grabbing everyone’s attention as you make a grand entrance into the room…and being noticed when you quietly slip outside for some fresh air.

There’s and reason why many “successful” people commit suicide after achieving all that they thought they wanted.

It’s because they got what they wanted, only to find that it didn’t matter as much and they thought it did.

The pursuit was more fulfilling than the achievement.

There’s no doubt you will succeed. But my question is, ‘Are you going to matter’? — Seth Godin

Who will miss you when you’re gone?

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

Don’t just quit (part 1 of 3): Build yourself a runway

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

Don’t just quit or drop out of Medical school…until you have built yourself a runway to launch yourself into the next level of your life.

This is extremely important, and something I cover in detail in some of the Escape Velocity modules.

That’s because as important as it is to go after your dreams, it’s even more important to be aware of all the deadly obstacles you’ll need to navigate.

Things like parents, cultural expectations, debts, student loans, network pressures, peer pressures, lack of connections, lack of directions, bad habits, addictions, etc

All of these forces have the potential (and incentives) to destroy your dreams before they even have a chance to get off the ground.

But they’ll never get off the ground if you don’t build a runway, a structure, that allows you to build up enough momentum and velocity to escape the gravitational pull of all those obstacles.

Knowing you need a runway might be enough to help you figure out what that means.

If you need more, check out the Escape Velocity modules.

Key message: If you really want to give your Dreams a fighting chance of surviving (and thriving)…take a bit of time to build them a runway.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.

10 years in 6 months?

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

A challenge from Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal (and the guy who offers $100,000 to kids who choose to drop out of college to start a business):

What would you have to do to accomplish your 10-year goals in the next 6 months?

Again, worth thinking about.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.