The best way to escape a nightmare…

Image credit: Hugh MacLeod

…is to wake up.

But you can only make yourself wake up by realising that you are asleep, and that what you are experiencing is only a dream.

A dream…one of many possibilities, and not the only experience available to you.

And this dream — this nightmare — is one that you no longer wish to be part of.

Once you realise that this is just a dream, you are able to increase the frequency and intensity of your brain’s vibrations…disrupting the fabric of the nightmare world.

Reading, listening and absorbing alternate inputs that contradict and invalidate the images, emotions and scenarios of the nightmare you’re in right now.

As you keep turning up the dial on your brain frequencies, you raise your level of consciousness, raise your level of self-awareness…you wake up.

The #2 best way to escape a nightmare, is to dream another dream.

This is a taster from Escape Velocity: a personalised email course that guides medics step-by-step in how to successfully make the transition from being stuck in medical school…to living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Admission is by invitation-only. Click here to apply for your FREE invite.