4 hours a week?

4 hours a week

80 to 90 hours per week.

That’s the typical workload of a Doctor…and a huge factor in the on-going 21+ day-strike of all government Doctors in Kenya since 5th December 2016.

Overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated work, as the Doctor nobly fights to save each patient he or she comes across.

But what if instead of 90 hours a week…The Doctor worked only 4hours?

4 hours a week?

What would happen if that were the case?

What would the world look like where every Doctor only worked 4 hours per week in practising the craft of Medicine?

What would the implications be? Economically, socially, culturally, politically…personally?

How can a Doctor work fewer hours and achieve a much greater impact?

Just some of the questions I’ll be exploring in my new Medium.com publication: The 4-Hour Medic

I’m importing the Tim Ferriss 4-Hour Work Week meme into the world of medicine to see what breakthroughs it can help unlock.

Maybe nothing. After all, this might not work.

Or maybe it will spark just a single conversation…a single idea…that leads to a breakthrough that changes the face of Medicine and health care for the next 2,000 years.

That’s the goal. Let’s see what happens.