Here’s the plan

Show up and do the work.

5 years from now I will graduate as a doctor at the age of 40.

And the key to doing that is just showing up and doing the work. 

Of course, the trick is in defining what “the work” is.

For most Medics, the work is simply to make it through medical school…which is no small feat. Because to do that means learning and mastering several new languages with extensive vocabulary that you need to internalise: gross anatomy, embryology, histology, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology etc

And what that really comes down to is finding “the Bible” for each subject (eg Physiology = Guyton&Hall) and making sure you have memorised and understood every single page in it.

But then what?

You’ll pass the subjects, acquire the knowledge and skills to save another person’s life, and then once you graduate…you’ll become a highly skilled cog in a broken health care machine somewhere, competing (and complaining) with all the other cogs about how tired/frustrated/overworked/underpaid/overwhelmed you are.


Because if all you’ve done is master the same path that a million other doctors have done…then you have no leverage and you have to play the hand you get dealt by the system.

Rather than learn how to play the game better,  I’ve decided to play a different game altogether. 

A game where I have enough leverage to make a difference. A game where I carry on the arc of every pioneer who preceded me in making a dent in the Universe…and not just a difference nd few more letter after my name.

I’ve got a plan, and this blog post is the first step in me showing up to do the work…where getting through med school is only the beginning.

More on this tomorrow.

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