Connect the dots

Medicine is a game of connecting dots.

It’s taking the information you read in Guyton about the action of erythropoietin on the bone marrow to produce more proerythroblasts…and then linking that to the biochemical action of Hypoxia Inducible Factor -1 on the erythropoeitin gene in conjunction with the Lac-Operon model…and the new relate that to the clinically significant features of a fractured clavicle…and connect that to the anaemic looking 5 year old sitting on the bus opposite you.

The name of the game is “connect the dots”.

But to play, you’ve got to have some dots.

So when you study, don’t worry about how much you don’t remember…focus on gathering and keeping as many dots as you can. 

And trust that somehow the dots will connect over time.

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