Rest, respect and reward

Rest, respect and reward.

Regardless of who you are or what you do, you could probably do with a lot more of all three.

In fact, you probably are your best self when you’re rested, respected and rewarded…where the currency for each quality varies from person to person.

At the same time, rest, respect and reward are not essential requirements for AI, robots, drones and semi-conductor chips.

They are able to do their best work without any of the things that are essential for humans to do their best work and be their best selves.

And they are definitely able to outperform humans who are doing work that could be done by a machine…but without the 3 essential components of rest, respect and reward.

It’s not a fair match-up, but it’s one that most humans have allowed themselves to be enrolled in because it feels safe (like vanilla ice cream laced with arsenic)…even though it’s the most dangerous thing they could possibly do.

Rest, respect and reward.

If you’re deficient or anemic in any of these areas, dare to find and take opportunities to supplement yourself.

If those who work with you are lacking in rest, respect or reward, be generous enough to help them find more.

And if you’re doing work that could be done by a machine…without the rest, respect or reward you need to do your best human work…its time to make a change before the machines arrive at your job description.

Because when they do, the little rest, respect, and reward that you do have will be a far distant memory.

Image: Gapingvoid 

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