Anatomy 1.0 = Surface anatomy.
Anatomy 2.0 = Surgical anatomy. What lies beneath
Anatomy 3.0 = Cellular anatomy. Microscopic analysis of the anatomy of a cell.
Anatomy 4.0 = Psychosocial anatomy. The interplay of the mind, will, emotions and social context with physical anatomy.
Anatomy 5.0 = Radiographical anatomy. Mapping the inner workings of the human body using imaging tools e.g Xrays, CT scan, Ultrasound etc
Anatomy 6.0 = Molecular anatomy. Human genomics and gene editing. Epigenetics. Microbiome. Role of normal flora in managing and modifying human anatomy.
Anatomy 7.0 = Sub-molecular/sub-atomic anatomy. Identifying the unique electromagnetic beacons and landmarks of human anatomy. Invisible tramlines used by nanorobots to navigate, monitor and affect the human body.
Anatomy 8.0 = All of the above, mapped on a global scale. Identifying the location of every xq22.1 mutation or URA3 cell marker in realtime, geographically and historically.
The groupings may be up for debate.
But what’s clear is that we’re already living in a world, where simply knowing Snell’s or Grey’s Anatomy isn’t nearly enough.
Image: Gapingvoid